Is Your Brand Ready to Get Personal?
With a millenial generation increasingly looking for individualized product choices and social media driving rapid style changes, online retailers are turning to custom configured products to improve sales and retain customers. Amidst a burgeoning do-it-yourself “maker movement,” the idea of custom-created products is here to stay.
If you’re not considering how custom configuration can grow your retail business, you may be falling behind. Not only can custom configured products meet a new and growing demand for individualization, they can also increase brand loyalty and improve customer retention.
The Fundamentals
Give the Consumer What They Want
- Are customers experiencing problems with the existing product catalog that can be addressed through a configurator?
- What properties of existing products can be configured?
- What benefits will consumers realize through configuration?
Utilize Advanced Technology to Facilitate Configuration
- Rendering
- Pricing
- Manipulating
- Tracking
- Sharing
Fully Integrate your Customization Engine with your Back-End Processing
- Sales
- Customer History
- Product Catalog
- Pricing and Distribution
- Social Media
Ensure Manufacturing and Logisitics Considerations are Addressed for all Configured Products
- Can I make it?
- Can I price it?
- Can I ship it?
- Can I remember it?
In the News
The Envisa Difference
- Envisa has been providing fully-integrated product configuration since 2006.
- Long before off-the-shelf tools were available to support custom configuration, Envisa built a proprietary configurator that has served as a personalization engine for our clients for almost a decade.
- Leveraging high-performance technologies like Backbone.js and MongoDB, Envisa has provided multi-platform configurators for use by both end consumers and front-line sales personnel alike.