Are You Ready to “Grow Global?”

International commerce is the fastest growing component of online sales today. According to Internet Retailer, 71% of online retailers are selling overseas. Whether you are looking to expand into a new market, launch a business overseas or improve your global efficiency, Envisa can help. We aid our clients in understanding global opportunities and putting the systems in place to acquire customers, transact online and seamlessly fulfill orders around the globe.

The Fundamentals

From the Outset, Design Your Solutions for Future Globalization

  • Does your e-commerce design allow for global character sets?
  • Can your design flex to accommodate global currencies?
  • Can you accommodate varied shopping preferences and consumer behaviors dictated by local customs?

Take the Time to Understand the Unique Features of Emerging Markets

  • What is the status of internet access in new target markets?
  • What kind of payment systems are available and frequently used by customers in new markets?
  • How developed is the delivery landscape?

Understand Local Customs, Laws and Practices Governing Logistics

  • Landed Costs — How do calculate VAT and duties?
  • Usability — What kind of web experience do international consumers expect?
  • Payment Methods — How do you provide foreign payment options?
  • Fulfillment — Are you warehousing internationally or direct shipping?
  • Customer Service — How do you handle inquiries and returns?

Centralize Your Site for Global Brand Consistency and Optimal Technology Maintenance

  • Can a single global solution work for you?
  • What are the pros and cons of networked local solutions vs. one global solution?
  • How are your worldwide e-commerce solutions supported and maintained?

In the News

The Envisa Difference

  • We’ve designed, developed, and implemented single global solutions that are centrally maintained, yet locally tailored.
  • From taxation to shipping costs, our global solutions are flexible enough to address localization needs, yet standardized enough to maintain brand consistency.
  • Behind the scenes, we design and deliver secure, robust and flexible technical architectures as the foundation of whatever global approach you choose.

What We Do

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